Учебник 7 класса по английскому языку афанасьева скачать

Английский язык. 7 класс. Учебник. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.
М.: 2016. - 3 52 с. М.: 2012. - 3 52 с. Учебник является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекта «Английский язык» и предназначен для учащихся VII класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка.

Основная задача курса — совершенствование приобретённых ранее знаний и умений и подготовка учащихся к сдаче Основного государственного экзамена (ГИА) по английскому языку. Материалы учебника способствуют достижению личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов обучения. Формат: pdf (2016, 3-е изд., 352с.) Формат: djvu (2012, 13-е изд., 352с.) Размер: 12 , 2 Мб. Размер: 34 , 5 Мб. Audio (Student book + The Secret Seven) Формат: mp3 / zip.

CONTENTS UNIT 1 Russia, My Homeland Revision 3 Reading for Information: Swan Lake 10 Reading for Discussion: A Page from a Diary . 11 Speaking 13 Writing 19 Miscellaneous 21 UNIT 2 English — a Language of the World Revision: The simple tenses. Tag questions. The continuous tenses 24 Complex object. Phrasal verbs: to look, to take, to give, to make 33 Reading for Information: An English-speaking World 35 New Language. Grammar: The noun. Classification.

37 Plural forms. The article. (General rules) . 38 Social English: to use at your lessons 41 Phrasal verbs: to get 42 Constructions: to be + Adj/to get + Adj . 48 Reading for Discussion: Are You Happy with the Way You Are Taught English? 49 Speaking 52 Writing 57 Miscellaneous 59 UNIT 3 Me and My World Revision: The present perfect tense. The past perfect tense. Indirect speech. Word building 62 Reading for Information: Great Britain: a Country of Traditions 68 New Language. Grammar: The future perfect tense.

The definite article. Articles with the nouns school, college, hospital, bed 72 Social English: to express one's opinion, agreement, disagreement 78 Phrasal verbs: to turn 79 Reading for Discussion: Danny's Story 87 Speaking 91 Writing 98 Miscellaneous 100 UNIT4 It Takes Many Kinds to Make the World Revision: Object description. Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison. The present perfect continuous tense . 102 Reading for Information: A. A. Milne 113 New Language. Grammar: The past perfect continuous tense. Late, old, far, near and their degrees of comparison 117 Social English: How to answer questions . 124 Phrasal verbs: to rush 125 Reading for Discussion: Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has Breakfast 132 Speaking 137 Writing 142 Miscellaneous 144 UNIT 5 Christmas Revision 149 Reading for Information: Before Christmas Day . 150 Reading for Discussion: Christmas Day King John's Christmas 152 Speaking 156 Miscellaneous — UNIT 6 The Pleasure of Reading Revision: Narration devices.

Definite and indefinite article. Tenses and forms to describe future 158 Reading for Information: The Printed Word 171 New Language. Grammar: Future perfect continuous. Collective nouns. Countable and uncountable nouns.

Article with the names of meals. Object clauses 174 Social English: How to react to people's words 182 Phrasal verbs: to run 183 Reading for Discussion: The Reader of Books 193 Speaking 197 Writing 202 Miscellaneous 205 UNIT 7 Popular Arts Revision: Indefinite forms of the passive voice. Modal verbs with passive constructions 210 Reading for Information: Theatre and Cinema: How It All Began 216 New Language. Grammar: Continuous and perfect forms of the passive voice. Passive voice with verbs that have two objects.

Verbs with prepositions in the passive voice. Articles with the names of seasons, parts of the day 219 Social English: How to give proper replies . . . 230 Phrasal verbs: to set 231 Reading for Discussion: The Story of Merrymind 238 Speaking 242 Writing 249 Miscellaneous 251 UNIT 8 Sport in Our Life Revision: Clauses of time and condition. Word combinations with make and do 254 Reading for Information: History of the Olympic Games 263 New Language. Grammar: Subjunctive Mood 266 Social English: Formal and informal English . 272 Phrasal verbs: to do 273 Reading for Discussion: The Great Shooting Day . 279 Speaking 283 Writing 293 Miscellaneous 296 UNIT 9 Exploring the World Speaking 299 Grammar Revision 302 Vocabulary Revision 308 Reading for Discussion: Come Away, Come Away! . .310 Writing 315 Miscellaneous 317 Reference Grammar 319 English-Russian Vocabulary 340 Topical Vocabulary 345. О том, как читать книги в форматах pdf , djvu - см. раздел " Программы; архиваторы; форматы pdf, djvu и др. "

Учебник 7 класса по английскому языку афанасьева
Учебник 7 класса по английскому языку афанасьева
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